what arrived today??!
my BADGER BALMS arrived in the mail today~ lalalalala~~~~
Sore Muscle Rubthe sore muscle rub will be useful after a day of shopping! rub-away all the knots in my calves! oh also, my shoulders also need some attention from this balm! i bought the tiger balm neck & shoulder rub sometimes back, but its too hot for my liking!
Sleep Balmthe sleep balm will come in handy very soon.. the next monday (20th aug) i will be receiving my results...... *pray pray* hope i will pass all the 2 optional papers!! 19th will be a sleepless night for me.. do hope that this balm will work and send me to sleep!
sometimes i do find it hard to sleep, especially so when i am stressed (eg exam period).
6:30:00 pm.