Ettusais Haul (Part 1/3)
I've decided to be a little more hardworking today and blog about all my hauls!
First up, its the Ettusais haul from Istean, which I got almost a month ago!! It can be formally considered my first Ettusais haul I supposed, as previously I had only bought nail polishes from them!
I got nail polishes, 3 bottles ($4 each) as a matter of fact and all in the same shade (shade #13)! haha This shade is almost similiar to another Ettuasis blue glitter nail polish I loved, so I snapped 3 up!
The main reason I went to Ettusais was because I wanted to get the Medicated Acne Nighttime Defense ($40.00) as I have finished using my HG Etude House Trouble Eraser 24 Hour Powder (about $13??), and I couldn't find it on Gmarket anymore!! Boohoohoo!
I tried looking for it in the P.S. Etude House store as well, but I couldn't find it either! So I suppose this range has been discontinued and replace by the AC Clinic range. The Ettusais's version is so much pricier!!!
I topped up my purchase with the Acne Aroma Body Wash ($34) because I wanted to get the very pretty mirrored jewelry box which interior is lined with velvet!! =_=" I just can't resist pretty things! (Didn't take a picture of it as I couldn't capture a image of it without having my reflection on the mirror).
All in all I paid 1 total of $81.94, thanks to the Istean Credit Card 3% rebate... :p
Labels: Body Care, Ettusais, Haul, Nails, Skin Care
8:24:00 am.