Getting back here
It just occurred to that the last time I logged on to my own blog was July 2015.. That's a good nine months ago!!! How time flies!
Looking back to the past nine months, I do realise that nothing much has happened to me.. I am still pretty absorbed with my full time work as an accountant and my part time work as a wife.. Since moving into my own place in May last year, I found that the number of "relax"hours I have in my hands had dwindled.. I no longer have my usual Sunday at home spa hour, I stopped painting my nails, my cuticles are in a mess. I even cut my hair so short (from half way down my back to chin length) so that I can spend less time dealing with it.
Prior to moving out, my mom handles most of the household chores (like 90%, I only need to tidy my own room). Now I have to handle them on my own (with help from hubs of course). All the dusting, cleaning, tidying, washing, ironing, etc.. I think I am morphing into an auntie *horror*
Maybe its because I get to less home cooked food nowadays, I tend to fall sick rather easily as well. The bout of flu last month took me two weeks to recover.. The case of food poisoning two Sundays ago that took me to the A&E and I was put on drip. I think I need to eat healthier and have some sort of exercise routine to build my health back!
10:48:00 am.