C.C. Lemon [carbonated lemon juice/drink]
this drink cost $3 for 500ml, cheaper than Takeda C 1000 Vitamin Lemon 140ml which cost about $2.10 (for 140ml). but i think C 1000 taste better and is less gaseous. i burped more when drinking C.C. Lemon... think the next time when i am richer, i shall buy C 1000 by dozens.. more economical.
Takeda C 1000 Vitamin Lemon
item description: Look inside any refrigerator in a Japanese convenience store, or watch any commercial break on Japanese TV and you won't have to wait long before you come across these funny little bottles. Like Alice In Wonderland dark glass potion bottles, they contain high energy drinks which could be compared to lucozade and red bull. Advertised for health, energy and strength, they are packed full of vitamins with sports stars often advertising the most popular on television. C1000 Vitamin Lemon contains vitamins C, B1, E, glucose and lemon. LOTS of vitamin C!
shrimp & seaweed senbei $6
i bought this senbei on sat with my cousin, on friday i bought the lobster senbei which i gobbled up half of it the day itself. many different flavours of senbei available, from plum to lobster. i prefer the lobster over the shrimp & seaweed.
despite the expensive price tag for such a small pack, i think i might get it at least another lobster senbei this friday... this products are only available for a limited period, as they are sold through stalls and not the supermart itself.
i have not tasted this yet... hope its nice! i think it cost around $3++
actually this only taste ok.. but i bought them because it helps me to poo more "smoothly".. :x no constipation after eating this.. hahaha..
the following are my loots from muji at paragon..
butter waffle
egg waffle
lemon marshmellow (looks pretty!)
they ain't as good tasting as they look... a total waste of money... wouldn't buy the marshmellows again... hope the 2 waffles taste good.. i was intending to bring them to school to eat as breakfast!