Wednesday, November 14, 2007Y
random post/pics
yesterday, i made a trip back to my secondary school (for the band camp) with my 2 friends, hui jing & shu min. to sidetrack a little, for those who don't know, i was a band member in my secondary school days and i played the alto saxophone.
initially, i didn't want to go back as i wanted to spend the day (trying) to study BUT.. i was coerced by hui jing.... if i went to go back with them, then will she pass me the extra face shop member card..... bad isn't she.. hahaha j/k-ing!
the current Outram Band
wonder how a timpani looks like? FYI, i have never played them before.
hui jing & shu min
Labels: Ramblings
4:52:00 pm.